I've been walking my dogs through my neighborhood in the San Rafael hills during the fires, which I know I'm not supposed to do, but what is one to do with two wound up dogs who are itching to go outside? We're walking through the thick ashy air and trying to pretend it's our usual fun stroll in our fantastic neighborhood. For this update I'm sharing some photos of my neighborhood, smoky as it may be.

I love the little shopping area on Colorado Blvd. Vintage-feeling restaurant Stoney Point with it's piano player and neon sign, The Little Flower Candy Company - sooooo delicious and the nicest owners on earth (have lunch there - you will thank me), the cool Spanish building with Cornerstone Chiropractic in it, the Kitchen for Exploring Foods (a great place to pick up diner to go).

At the Western end are some groovy mid-century office buildings. Maybe I'm the only person who likes these office buildings, but I'm a sucker for mid-century moderns and these are kinda low slung post and beam and cool. The park at Melrose and Colorado is great place for dogs and kids alike.
If you want some serious hikes without the nature aspect - try walking the San Rafael Hills. If you wander in and up in the hills you can see if you can find all the pedestrian staircases linking the streets.

Our street in the San Rafael Hills is the Westernmost part of Pasadena. In fact both ends of the street are actually in LA. We've got a name for this bit of the hills of Pasadena so close to Eagle Rock where we live - "Eaglerockadena". You heard it here first.
Enjoy the photos and next time you drive by have lunch at The Little Flower or dinner at "The Point".